Hello you all, in this World! 🌍#
This is my first post in this blog! I created this web page using sphinx with pydata an Ablog themes.
I want to thank Chris Holdgraf, because I really got a big part of the setup from his blog, you should check it up!
I probably will do a recap on how i did this blog page, but for a first blog post, I want to tell you what I wanted:
A simple static website: I have really thought about this, I have considered doing a django website or even better, a wagtail site (wagtail is a CMS based on django). But I think it would add too much complexity. If I want to create applications I will probably use Plotly Dash, Taipy, Datapane, Streamlit… And having a django website won’t help me much there either. Static is fine, I can always add some dynamism with JavaScript-based
A website done with python: I like python.
A website where I can host (jupyter) notebooks: This was the huge main reason to go for this setup (and the reason I considered wagtail was because The Data Frog blog uses it, with Jupyter Notebooks (if you are into Machine learning and/or data analysis with python, I really recomend you check it out!).
After some research, I found out Chris Holdgraf’s blog, and here are some extra reasons for this setup that came after:
Sphinx: I discovered Sphinx recently (I wrote about it in the Medium post I did about the Pycon Fr 2023). I wanted to master it, along with other related technologies, like Jupyter Book.
Markdown: Sphinx default is ReStructuredText (rst files). But using MyST Markdown (and MyST-NB, for notebooks) makes writing and integrating links very easy.
An easy workflow: Like a water in a river, it should be easy and fast to write, create the blog post and deploy it.
Flowing like a river#
As you can see below, it is very easy to add an image to my blog post. In this case, it is a small river I have close to home, with its water flowing smoothly, like the process of creating blog posts with this setup!.

The river next to my home#
Using jupyter Notebooks to blog: A great way to write about Data Analysis#
Being able to write code and display the result, easely, is a huge advantage. Jupyter Notebooks is a very common tool, I personally use it a lot (and you can use other tools, like Visual Studio Code to display your .ipynb files). For example, I can do a a python “Hello World” for my Hello World post right here:
print("Hello World!🌍")
Hello World!🌍
Why I created this blog#
I really like programming (with python or other languages) and I love working with data. But the ultimate goal of analyzing data, finding insights, is to communicate about it!
I recently started writing on Medium, so I will give a different approach to both spaces (and other eventual spaces where I could create content, like on youtube, social media, etc…). So here are a few differences I have in mind:
My personal blog is also a portfolio, it centralizes all my other other accounts
My blog will have a more technical approach (tutorials, code). On Medium I write reviews, give thoughts, etc
I will probably integrate content and make it interact. For example, a tutorial could have a video version on youtube, a written description with code snippets on the website and a review on Medium…
All these are thoughts, I am just starting this and it will probably evolve over time!
Thank you for reading, do not hesitate to contact me or leave comments if you have any suggestions!